Every year, I try to pack a shoe box (or two, or three) for Operation Christmas Child. OCC is a project of Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse. Every year in November and December shoeboxes filled with small toys, toiletries, and candy are collected and sent overseas to children who may otherwise receive nothing for Christmas. I can't tell you how much fun it is to shop for the items that go in the shoeboxes. I take a lot of time and effort picking just the right things. For about $15 you can fill a shoebox. They also ask that you put in a check for $7 to help with the overseas shipping or by using the online donation option called EZGive. So for less than $25 you can make a child smile. Last year, OCC collected over 7.6 million shoeboxes that were distributed in 95 countries. While I will never see the children that open my shoeboxes, I can only hope that I've made their lives, even if for just one day, a happier one. The mission isn't only to give toys and toiletries...according to their website the mission of Operation Christmas Child is "to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ."
Please visit their site!
Operation Christmas Child
The site gives step by step instructions on what type items to pack in a box and where to drop off your box. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! November 17-24 is National Collection Week though, so we don't have much time!
Please visit their site!
Operation Christmas Child
The site gives step by step instructions on what type items to pack in a box and where to drop off your box. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! November 17-24 is National Collection Week though, so we don't have much time!
What a great idea!
On behalf of Franklin Graham, thank you for participating in Operation Christmas Child. Please continue to pray for the children who will be receiving the shoeboxes that their hearts will be touched.
Darren Mullenix
Donor Ministries
Samaritan's Purse
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