Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mmmmm...Spice Drops...

I love me some spice drops. As I peered down into the bag, I thought it would would make a cool picture.'s ok.


Susan Isbell said...

What an interesting shot--and yummy. These are some of my favorites too.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome perspective. I might have to borrow the idea sometime with one of my favorites. I love the colors of the gum drops! A kids ditty that I heard often when my son was small comes to mind...

"Kookaburro sits in the old gum tree,
eating all the gumdrops he can see,
stop, Kookaburro, stop, Kookaburro
leave some there for me..."

Angie S.

Gary said...

A very tasteful site - (a bit of a pun since I'm drooling over the picture of the gumdrops)!

Sincerely, we enjoyed your site very much. The photos speak for themselves and the comment insertions add plenty to the pictures.

I invite you to visit my site at

All the best Jo Ann and Gary